


with Family & Friends



Your Thanksgiving 

with Family & Friends

Bring your loved ones even closer this season

Thanksgiving is a time of year where we express our love, caring and thanks to those we love, our family and friends. After these past few difficult and distancing years, this thanksgiving is filled with even more thanks. We picture our favourite festive food on the table and autumn leaves outside on the trees. Laughter, conversation and memories of old and new are shared. Thanksgiving is a time for us to reflect and feel grateful to be with each other.

Having time to talk to each other face to face this Thanksgiving will bring us all even closer and allow us to make more memories together. We’ve been so distant over the past couple of years, that spending time together to share and make new memories feels even more important. With the winter holidays approaching, hopefully you will have extra quality time with the various sides of your family to be able to delve into old stories, memories, and family traditions. With your friends, you can learn more about them as individuals and get closer. - Your Family Name - connection

Why Is Your Family 

Last Name Important 

This Thanksgiving?

Personalizing Connection

Your name is connected to you in a very deep and spiritual way. Your last name is a moniker that has been passed on throughout generations and has travelled through different homes. Getting to know the personal details of your last name offers you insight.

When you're feeling connected to your last name you somehow feel connected to the people who came before you as well. You feel strength and power in that sense of history and belonging. Knowing how your family has come to gain a seat around this table will humble you. You feel thankful towards these long-lost members. And you enjoy your Thanksgiving with people you like and care about.

Gratitude for Loved Ones

Thanksgiving has many benefits for families and friends. Expressing gratitude daily is connected to greater optimism and feeling better about your life. When we feel better about our own life then we will feel less stressed and appreciate every moment we have with our loved ones. Expressing gratitude has been found to lead to better relationships, better communication and increased resilience as well.

Showing your loved ones your gratitude is so special because it shows that you care about them. Whether it’s family or friends – it's a fantastic gift that keeps giving. Giving a personalized gift for Thanksgiving will give your loved ones something to cherish for the many years to come. 

Personalized Time With Friends

Spending Thanksgiving with friends has become widely embraced over the past few years and it’s a tradition that has brought friend groups closer together. Many people take time out of this special holiday to spend it with their friends and understand more about them. This is something to be cherished - we are so attached to technology sometimes we forget to be present in our daily lives. Take this Thanksgiving to put your phone down and be present with everyone around you.

Also, you might want to do something nice for your friends. They’ve been with you and have helped you through so much, so maybe it’s time to show them some thanks. Personalizing this Thanksgiving with them is a great way to showcase your friendship to one another and to create more memories. - Your Family Name - connection

How to Celebrate

Your Family & Friends

This Thanksgiving

Knowing the stories of your family name keeps its meaning alive. Take time to talk to elders about their past and what they know. Take time to remember family members that are long gone, but have remained very near people’s hearts. Your name carries their stories with every generation, and being able to understand and treasure those stories is a blessing. After discussing more about your family name and family stories, you could even bee inspired with new ideas for personal gifts to give to each other for the holidays as well.

Your Family Recipes

You can even preserve your family name by simple traditions like passing down family recipes. Food is a key to the soul and when food is created with love, it carries with it cozy happy memories. Take time out to talk about where these recipes came from, and how they have been passed down. Why these recipes are important in your family traditions. These are all questions that might be asked and answered, to continue to appreciate and preserve family stories and traditions.

Giving Thanks For Your Family & Friends
During Thanksgiving we need to be thankful for everything we’ve gone through. Whether you’ve experienced something positive or negative – they were all lessons for you and your loved ones. They have made you into the person you are today and giving those experiences gratitude is important this Thanksgiving.

Take time out to thank yourself for everything you’ve pushed past. Thank your loved ones for being there and encouraging you every step of the way. Thank your family and friends for giving you strength and courage when you needed it most. With all of that we've been through lately, being together this Thanksgiving is sure to be a special one. - Your Family Name - connection


Through Creating Together 

This Thanksgiving

Doing art together as a family (or any activity for that matter), is a fun, creative and connective way for your family and friends to spend quality time together.

Creating Your Family Name Together is Fun!
This doesn't only benefit the younger members of the family. Adults and children should enjoy creating together because then it is a fun memory to cherish! Let your imagination run free during your art family sessions!

The creativity and ingenuity you develop will have amazing benefits as you continue the daily course of your life. Thinking outside of the box will allow you to come up with different picture ideas for your name artwork. It’s a great way to critically think about what kinds of pictures you want to represent your family name. You will be able to make it personalized to you. This Thanksgiving you can have a conversation with loved ones about what kinds of photos you should use for your artwork. What really catches your family name?

Understanding Your Name Better

Creating name artwork is a unique and fun experience for everyone. When you create personal art for your loved ones then it is a great gift to give them. It shows that you’ve added that little bit of personal touch and love to it – it gives the gift extra meaning.

Sometimes, it's what we don't communicate verbally that best expresses who we are and what our true selves are like. Creating a personal name artwork will express your love and your feelings towards either yourself or your loved ones. You’ll be able to pick pictures and colours that best represent who they are. You’ll create something to cherish together.

Completing this name artwork with your family would be a great way to connect with your family in a new and exciting way. Become a closer family unit by passing on your stories and new traditions during the holidays.

One of the best things about creating your name artwork is that you will be able to place your artwork in your home. Although there are lovely home accents that you just simply can purchase to transform your house into a home, no accent includes a more home-like vibe than the personalized art your family created with their very own creativity. When you look at the personal art that you created as a family – you'll be reminded of the times that you spent together. These will be stories that will be told for years to come.


Having close and meaningful relationships with your family and friends is cherished at Thanksgiving. Allows yourself to feel the magic that's carried with you. Coming up with ways to create your own personalized Thanksgiving will give you all a chance be more connected with family and friends.

This Thanksgiving could even be a time where we should always be eager to connect on a deep and meaningful level, thank family and friends, and enjoy good times with loved ones. A time we appreciate being together and creating more memories to pass down to each other.

...find time to stop 

and thank the people who make 

a difference in our lives.

John F. Kennedy

by Lexi Stewart 

 - Decor, Design & Personal Style Ideas 


Next Week…

Your Heartfelt Traditions & Meaningful Gifting
Welcome to the
family! - personalized name art - alphabet photography
see [ GOMEZ ] ?


PIX Tips:

Gifting with AlphabetPIX Spells "Perfect"!

Personalize your Thanksgiving with family and friends! With AlphabetPIX artwork, and coming up with ways to create your own personalized name together, you will create special memories with loved ones. Pick out the pictures or symbols together in order to create your family name. If it’s a gift for a friend then find things that will remind them of your friendship. Being creative about sharing your family name is the best way to spend time together this Thanksgiving because we should all be thankful to spend time together.

With AlphabetPIX Artwork, you will be able to have a chance to create memories with loved ones. Pick out the pictures or symbols together in order to create your family name. If it’s a gift for a friend then find things that will remind them of your friendship. Being creative about sharing your family name is the best way to spend time together this Thanksgiving because we should all be thankful to spend time together. 

With PIX Artwork, you can use photos that help spell out your family name and have them printed and framed for you. That way, your family name is preserved and it was created by you. There are many different pictures available for you to have a look at, so you can pick the best picture to represent you and your loved ones.

How many times have you been on a quest for a gift that is just right - that perfect personal gift? How about those long lines at the registers? With Thanksgiving around the corner, you may want to give your loved ones a thoughtful personalized gift that shows your gratitude towards them. What if you could bypass all the hassle and still find that perfect personal gift? Your answer is only a website away at AlphabetPIX!

At AlphabetPIX YOU create amazing personalized name art in just 3 easy steps with photos that look like letters -- Name & Word Art unlike anything you’ve seen before!

Name gifts may be all the rage but often the products are mass produced. A generic name is stamped onto a run-of-the-mill matt and slapped into a frame. Not so with AlphabetPIX. You choose it, you spell it, you style it and we put together a high-quality product that will be cherished for generations to come

This Thanksgiving give something that is more meaningful and personalized to you! With your own creativity – you will be able to design a gift for yourself or your loved ones that is perfect for this holiday season. makes gifting easy and oh-so fun! Three simple steps and you’ll have a timeless personalized gift that the receiver will absolutely cherish!

Just type in your name, word or phrase on the homepage and click GO! Next, you’ll be taken to our Create Your Design page where you'll have over 1000+ photo letters to choose from multiple themes. Play around until you find the perfect combination that's just right for you! Once you’re happy with your letters, choose a frame in four beautiful styles to complete your look! Then checkout and let our professionals put together your creation for you!

It's easy! And the possibilities are absolutely endless - a family name that can be passed down for generations to come, for a newly married couple or perhaps the word "Forever", a child’s name to hang in their room, or even of course our most popular choice, your family name to display over your  fireplace.

Show your loved ones how thankful you are to have them in your life this Thanksgiving with a thoughtful gift that they can appreciate for years. The pictures you pick will mean something to you and the receiver, and what a conversation piece this Thanksgiving around the table!

Take a moment to consider who’s next on your gift list. What word or name would be just right for them? Visit today and give a gift they will love for years to come!

see [ DREW ] ? name art WELCOME


Your Happiness Team




 - personalized name art - alphabet photography
see [ JONES ] ?

“THE hottest idea
in personalized gifts and wall art
décor...with the ‘WOW’ factor
everyone loves!”

Fab to own and fun to create!

What are you waiting for?
Express yourself!
Get creative!
Show off your personal style!

See Your Name In Photos NOW!

Go to,

Our friends were blown away

 with their name art! And loved 

our personal touch with their 

photo letter choices.

alphbetpix.com_nameart-photography-bestofbest - personalized name art - alphabet photography
see [ REED ] ?

Seeing my personal name art 

on my wall always makes me

 feel good! Happy memories...”


~ reminder ~ - wedding gift - personalized name art - alphabet photography
see [ LANE ] ? _ the original - name art - alphabet photography


Dear AlphabetPIX,

My grandmother absolutely loved her gift!

The frames that were used for her pictures matched perfectly with the colour scheme. She loved her name artwork. The picture selection for creating our name is vast and interesting. For our O we lucked out and saw a picture that resembled the door knocker at her last house! When she saw that she was so happy because it reminded her of when she lived there. That was our childhood home and we would always have Thanksgiving there. My grandmother would cook the best apple pie and she passed down the recipes, so we will be able to make it in the future.

Having her name printed and framed for her means a lot to us. My grandmother spoke with so much love when it came to her family name because it really does mean a lot to her. Her family went through a lot in order to make it to a safe place, so her name shows that she was one of the few that did make it this far! So, I can’t thank you enough. You’ve given me a gift for her that is so personal and special. We will all cherish it for a very long time.

This is really the best Holiday present I’ve ever given!

She absolutely adores this artwork and it wouldn’t have been possible without you!

Thank you AlphabetPIX!

- Stacey O, PA


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