The Art of Giving



The Art of Giving 

Unforgettable Gifts

"It's the most memorable gift I've ever received. I will treasure it always"

People always have great reactions when they receive unforgettable gifts. Everyone desires to receive unforgettable gifts they'll love.

But what part of a gift makes it memorable or unforgettable? - personalized name art - alphabet photography

What Is An 

Unforgettable Gift?

A "memorable gift or unforgettable gift" is imaginative, applicable, thoughtful, and "totally about YOU." All in all, it's a gift that "absolutely fits your character." Add to it the components of feeling, nostalgia, and a dash of ingenuity, and you have a winning gift mix every time.

So, how do you know you're giving someone an unforgettable personalized gift they'll love?

The point of an unforgettable gift goes beyond the actual gift to the experience surrounding the gift.

The way we give gifts, find gifts or send gifts creates insight into the way we treat our relationships. The art of gift-giving gives an immediate impression of how we treat and measure a person's worth. This activity alone shows significance to our loved ones.

When you give an unforgettable personalized gift they love, it shows them that they are well, loved ~ of course. That's the focus of a memorable gift. All we do is about an individual touch, making it unforgettable for both the giver and the receiver. - Your Family Name - connection

Unforgettable Gift Ideas 

For Your Loved Ones

For all those you love, you want to put a smile on their faces and a warm feeling in their hearts, especially during special Holidays, like Christmas, Hanukkah and other festive celebrations this time of year. When loved ones associate your gifts in this way, they look forward to receiving gifts from you and treasure your gifts for years to come.

Unforgettable gift giving is an art. The perfect present can lift a mood or improve a relationship. It can repair a wrongdoing, or simply remind a loved one that you care. Psychologists have long been fascinated by the subject of gifting, because it's a window into so many other important human traits: how we see others, how we assign value to things, our decision-making skills and our ability to empathize.

To give unforgettable gifts they'll love, checkout some of these gift ideas for both children and adults...

The Gift Of Creativity

Give people the wonderful gift of unleashing their creativity! Not to mention creative gifts are incredibly personal and unforgettable! While we work on our creative designs, we more often then not remember the experience, the occasion and the giver. Don't waste a minute this Christmas, get your loved ones a creative gift they'll always remember. 

*And of course as always remember, everyone's imagination and creativity goes into creating their names with photo letters here at AlphabetPIX.

Gift Of Family Time

What better way to show that you love your children and spouse? Gifts that enhance family relationships can not only be given for Christmas but many other occasions as well. You can choose game nights, kids' coupons, camping, and a whole lot of other fun and surprising activities. Even combining several activities into one.

Gifts That Continuously Surprise Them

One way to make sure your gift is unforgettable and loved is by giving unexpected gifts that come throughout the year. Think about the happiness of receiving gifts all through the year - consistently wonderful and unforgettable.  

Gifts That Warm Their Hearts
Your loved ones will appreciate hearfelt gifts given with emotion. People love gifts that recall, awaken and enliven important, meaningful, cherished, or just plain "good" memories. Another way your gift will gladden their heart as well, is by showing them how much you care with conscious act of kindness, appreciation and thoughtfulness. And gifts that reflect these sentiments as well.

Gifts That Take You Places
This comes in handy when you're giving a gift to someone who has almost everything. You can give gifts that take them somewhere special or symbolize somewhere special they've been. Think about selecting images of places from where they've been and cherish, or would love to visit. These gifts are lovely because they recall a treasured memory or imagined ideas for the future. - Your Family Name - connection

Rules To Being A

Unforgettable Gift Giver

Sure, you've probably been sending out gifts your entire life, but how to become (or continue to become) an unforgettable gift giver?

Here are a few golden suggestions...

Understand Them

The main thing in gift exchange is showing that you truly know the individual well, and you truly care about them. That, for the most part, implies fitting the gift to the beneficiary. As a guideline, always buy unique-to-the-individual style gifts. If you always give generic gifts, select something off a wishlist, or just send a gift card, you're not alone. It can be difficult to think beyond the practical to select items that will delight and surprise your giftee. Think about them, think personal.

Give Gifts Of Experience, Meaning & Feeling

Individuals who get experiential gifts, feel more associated with the gift provider. If you're looking to truly impress your loved ones, you'll want to choose gifts that are custom, unique, and thoughtful. You can convey just how much you care by referencing fun memories, inside memories, and mutual interests. And you can incorporate these things with the experience of creating together, a winning combination both meaningful and fun. These gifts are sure to make your giftee feel special and remind them of loving memories and events. 

Experiential gifts are particularly meaningful for kids. Doing something with a child builds memories that last. If gifts are about expressing and forging love, one of the best ways to do that is with your own time. That will always be a really powerful gift. Experiences often have a lot of thought put into them, and create vivid memories. The memories and the emotional attachment are great. 

*Creating AlphabetPIX name art and word art together is a wonderfully personal and creative experience, gifting you artwork and memories you will treasure together for a lifetime.

Give A Gift That Complements The Occasion

Even though there are conventional gifts, there are certain occasions that you need to give an unforgettable gift in line with a special event. These special occasions require a particularly insightful present, and the festive Holiday season is a grand opportunity to splash out.

Make It Personal

Especially around the holidays the pressure is on to make your gift stand out. Of course, not every gift is going to be amazing, treasured and remembered forever. But it’s worth a try, no? Especially a gift for someone who's means the world to you. The way to make your gift memorable is to make it personal. Often, a really personal gift is much more meaningful than just picking something off their list. While I think it's important to still get stuff from people’s wish lists, when you strike out on your own and come up with something unique it can really resonate with the recipient. This shows you care.

Ask Other Friends And Relatives For Suggestions

If you don't live every day with the people you intend to gift, you may need help figuring out gifts they'll love. Of course, not being around them on a daily basis you're not privy to their daily "mentioning". Their family and dear companions, however, may get the spur-of-the-moment remarks about that latest hot product or the jest about liking red accents. Reaching out to their friends and family assists you with narrowing down your choices. Keep in mind as well, a gift from you is all the more valuable too if it reflects you and your relationship with your companion or relative and your connection to them.

Don't Re-Gift 

Regardless of what plans you have, don't regift an item. Re-giving eliminates the specialty of gift-giving and makes it a matter of convenience instead. It requires no contemplation of what your companion or loved one's needs. Also there's the possibility they recall you getting said gift or, heaven forbid, they could be the original giver. It's clearly better to avoid the expected complexities of re-giving and to get something uniquely different. You are little likely to give unforgettable gifts if you end up regifting. 

Gift Based On Their Values

Another avenue for giving unforgettable gifts they'll love is to give a gift that corresponds to their values. Truly considering an individual's character and personal qualities gives us all insights. What values is your relationship based on, and how can the gift reflect those values? Some relationships trade in trendy meals, mutual love of garage rock or afternoons spent crafting around a coffee table. Some are incidental, rooted in proximity and pure chance, but nonetheless deep. Gift-giving can honor — in both obvious and subtle ways — the reasons you and your recipient are connected and how far your relationship has come. Loved ones who make a special effort for the family would see the value in framed artwork that honors and treasures family. A gift that resonates with values feels associated with a bigger purpose, treasured for years to come.

Go For Something Unique

Just because you'll likely be shopping from your couch instead of a shop decked out in festive decor, that doesn't mean you can't still find a unique gift for everyone on your list. For gift shoppers who want to go the extra mile in thoughtfulness but would prefer everything be shipped directly to their doorsteps, AlphabetPIX is great place to create unique, personal, unforgettable gifts your loved ones will, well, love! You can't get more unique then our completely individually created custom artwork... and fun & easy as A,B,C for you to do from the comfort of your own cozy couch ;)


No matter how you feel, you can be an unforgettable gift giver! It's a gradual process that involves making thoughtful gift choices. Unforgettable, creative and surprising gifts, your loved ones will love. Make it really personal and it's win-win all around.

You don't have to worry about giving gifts for the Holidays when you give personal gifts outside of expectations, gifts that are meaningful and dazzle your friends and family, gifts that are custom, novel, insightful, personalized, unique, and Unforgettable!

And for some final thoughts on being an unforgettable gift giver, here are two straightforward rules from two Superstars: 

"Stephen Ross, owner of the Miami Dolphins, just gave $200M to the University of Michigan. That is a lot of money and it wasn't only because he loves education. He wants his name on the buildings so his legacy is carried on. John Ruhlin, advises, "Everyone's name is important. Make sure every touch point with everyone, is personal. No generic box of chocolates or polo shirts with a logo. Make it about them. Put their name on the gift. I know its extra time, effort, and money, but the entire effort is a waste of resources if you don't address this one detail. So either take the time to make it personal or don't waste your efforts."


"As Seth Godin taught all of us years ago, a purple cow stands out because it's different and unique. Be a purple cow. As a guy, I am horrible about giving creative gifts. I see what someone else is doing and start giving that. If you want to stand out, you have to do the uncommon. Giving the same tired piece of Tiffany, iPad, or set of Bose headphones is not going to stand out. Find unique things that are a little odd or different. We remember when someone goes way above and beyond. Water is hot at 211 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. Give the extra 5 percent to be truly memorable or focus your energy elsewhere."


The Holiday spirit  

lives in us, always.

May you have...


its gladness - which is hope, 

its soul - which is peace, 

its heart - which is love,

and may its happiness 

be guided to your home 

by its light, always.

by Lexi Stewart 

 - Decor, Design & Personal Style Ideas 


~ Next Week ~

Give A Gift They Will Love  … you for ;) - personalized name art - alphabet photography
see [ JONES ] ?


PIX Tips:

Give An Unforgettable Gift with AlphabetPIX!

Want to be the talk of the town—or at least the Holidays? Give a phenomenal unforgettable personal gift from AlphabetPIX!

Choosing a gift isn’t always easy. And no one really wants to give something drab or insincere. Imagine being able to find a gift that “wows” them—individualized, enduring, and elegant and it’s simply a few mouse clicks away!

Suppose you could give a gift so unique, so personal, they'll LOVE it - and - so snappy to create, you'll LOVE it too! Then imagine creating this perfect personal gift in just 3 EASY steps. Now you can, with - AlphabetPIX!

!!!!!!!!!!   ORDER NOW for THE HOLIDAYS    !!!!!!!!!!

"Best Unique Gift of 2021"

AlphabetPIX presents the hottest new idea in Name Art and Word Art! Unique personalized art YOU CREATE with Photos That Look Like Letters. The concept is brilliant! Design any name, word or saying you can think of from hundreds of stunning photographs of architecture, nature and the world around us. Just think, the possibilities are endless – Words to inspire like “Believe, Love, Faith”, a Holiday gift of the couple’s surname or “Forever”, a housewarming gift they’ll love, a newborn gift to display for a lifetime, or your family’s last name surrounded by family photos – an heirloom treasured for generations to come...

Can the best get better? YOU BET! The last time you visited us you saw exactly how easy and fun it is to create personalized name art and word art yourself. Now we're even better - with more alphabet photo letters, and numbers and hearts too!

At AlphabetPIX you're just 3 clicks away from creating personalized, custom framed, name art and word art YOU DESIGN from our photos that look like letters! Over 1000+ stunning photos of architecture, nature and the world around us. Unique, individual & distinctively personalized by You.

Take a test drive to see how fun & easy it is to create your own UNFORGETTABLE personal works of art, go to AlphabetPIX now...

!!!!!!!!!!     ORDER NOW for CHRISTMAS     !!!!!!!!!!

Why AlphabetPIX is the BEST:


Real Art, No fakes! - This is huge!!! No faked manmade signage!!!

For a treasured gift or cherished heirloom, street signs & graffiti? – Never! Only pure, artistic shapes discovered in architecture, nature & the world around us.

“Masterfully created with an artistic eye, AlphabetPIX photography resonates as true works of art. Very personal artwork to cherish and proudly display for generations to come.”

Make your selection from 1,000+ stunning REAL ART™ AlphabetPIX photos from all over the world! Our CLASSIC COLLECTION is full of fabulous NEW YORK CITY photography. Choose from photo letters, PLUS symbols, numbers and hearts! And for even more personalization, you can even add your own photo!


FOUR (4) hot unique theme COLLECTIONS with four different photo types and frame styles!

•• PHOTO styles: Black & White, Sepia, Amber & Color

•• FRAME styles: Black, Rose, Cocoa & Ivory

• CLASSIC BLACK - BW photos in Black frames

• CLASSIC ANTIQUE - Sepia photos in Rose frames

• FRONTIER - Amber photos in Cocoa frames

• SHORELINE - Color photos in Ivory frames

And we work directly with Kodak for the highest quality professional grade archival prints!


Printed on Kodak Professional Endura Supra Lustre archival low acid paper for soft, smooth, intense blacks, enhanced detail from highlights to shadows. And Super high quality frames in four styles - rich black, red walnut, dark cocoa walnut, and whitewash ivory.

Imagine your family name above the mantle with your photo of your family at the end ~ an heirloom treasured for generations to come.

If you’d like to find out more about how and where to get the best personalized framed letter art photography for friends and loved ones, feel free to have a look at the outstanding features and endless choices only here at!

Come see us now! We can't wait to show you around!


Try it for yourself - Create and see your designs right now in 3 Easy Steps...

Go to

1. Type in your name.

2. Select letters from our library of photos using your own sense of style and creativity.

3. Choose a frame... & Voila!

You can even preview your final designs right on the site.

We're kicking off all this SHINY, NEW stuff... just in time for the HOLIDAYS! Grab your list and let us help you fill every need with personalized art you custom design from AlphabetPIX.

From our family to yours this festive season... 

Happy Holidays!

AlphabetPIX - Personalized Name Art - Alphabet Photography - personalized name art - alphabet photography
see [ RYAN ] ?


Your Happiness Team


                - personalized name art - alphabet photography
see [ JONES ] ? - personalized name art - alphabet photography
see [ NASH ] ?

“THE hottest idea
in personalized gifts and wall art
décor...with the ‘WOW’ factor
everyone loves!”

Fab to own and fun to create!

What are you waiting for?
Express yourself!
Get creative!
Show off your personal style!

See Your Name In Photos NOW!

Go to,

They absolutely LOVED it! 


Ordering more now

for the Holidays!

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see [ EMMA ] ?


I will remember this day - 

and their gift - always… - wedding gift - personalized name art - alphabet photography
see [ LANE ] ?


~ reminder ~


in time for Christmas - custom Christmas gift - personalized name art - alphabet photography
see [ KING ] ? _ the original - name art - alphabet photography


Meaningful Gift Giving Made Easy!

Dear AlphabetPIX,

Finding a gift online can be either a) excruciatingly difficult or b) magically simple. Either we seem to find stuff we don’t really need or want OR we luck out right into a phenomenal product you love. The latter was the case for my best friend/sister one faithful day this year. This is how it happened.

Now, this particular day she called really wound up! Her voice was up an entire octave as she described her latest treasure. “This is perfect for your parents for Christmas!” She squealed. “We can go in together. Plus this is something that can be passed down—a keepsake in the family!”

I quickly logged on and waited for the page to load. She had sent me to an excellent I had no idea what I was in for. On the page were these fabulous pictures. They were customized name and word art from photos that look like letters! AlphabetPIX was offering you a whole gallery (1000+ choices of photograph letters, in fact) of brilliant photo letters you could “see”—taken from nature, architecture and the world around us. The sample showed “SMITH” written in the coolest letters I’ve ever seen. Imagine a church steeple as the letter “T” or a sconce in the shape of an “S”. The web page had several blocks for typing in any word we wanted. It was time to pick our letters--I liked the black and white letter photos and she thought the colored photos were awesome. Together we chose the letters to write in our family name--“Johnson”. The website then took us to the frame selection. There were four gorgeous choices—fashionable black metal, contemporary black wood, warm walnut or elegant mahogany wood with gold accents. The one we chose totally completed our look!

There were so many different styles of photographs and frames…hard to imagine what I’m talking about, I know, so my best advice to you, dear reader, would be go there now. It’s hours of fun and my AlphabetPIX gift list is now longer than my arm!

Everything about this product is great—it’s unique, personalized, good-looking, quality art AND it’s perfect for my mother, who already has everything! You know the type: she finds it, she buys it. Lucky for my sister-in-law and me, she hasn’t discovered AlphabetPIX yet…we’ve got the jump!

To sum up our AlphabetPIX experience, I loved the simplicity of putting the art together and I’m well-known in my circle for buying unique gifts. After all, I have a reputation to uphold! My sister-in-law loves a good deal and quality product. AlphabetPIX’s offer of a discount incentive got her flushed and ready to add our new masterpiece to her shopping cart.

Now, both of us are giddy with the anticipation of having the best gift under the tree this year. You know that feeling of bated breath when someone you love plucks your carefully wrapped gift from the pile, looks at it thoughtfully, and begins to tear the bright paper and bows from it as you look on proudly? 

That’s us this Christmas—

I can’t wait!

– Sandy J, NYC - personalized name art - alphabet photography
see [ COLE ] ?

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